Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 8) – Gateways

by | Oct 21, 2014

gatewayIn this final post on my Spring Integration tutorial series (SI), we take a look at gateways.  Gateways are a means of loosely coupling other application components from the SI API or other messaging API.  The gateway serves as a façade to a SI system.

Gateways are defined by an interface. The gateway can either by synchronous (causing the application to block and wait for the SI system to respond) or asynchronous (allowing the application to do other work while a long running SI system processes). Learn how to code and configure gateways in this tutorial.

Lab 8 provides you hands-on experience with a synchronous and asynchronous gateway.


Lab 8 Code Files

Missed other parts of the tutorial series? Check them out using the links below.

Spring Integration Introduction

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 1) – Understanding Channels

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 2) – Adapters

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 3) – Filters

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 4) – Transformers

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 5) – Routers

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 6) – Enrichers

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 7) – Service Activators

Spring Integration Tutorial (Part 8) – Gateways