NgRx Actions, Reducers and Effects

by | Jul 16, 2018

In my NgRx Tutorial, I wrote about setting up NgRx in your Angular 6 application.  Now it’s time to focus on actions, reducers and effects.  These are the heart and soul of your NgRx code and will be the ones you use most on a day to day basis.  You will learn what they are, how to generate them and how they work together in an Angular application.

Before we jump in here are links to other NgRx tutorials I’ve written:

The NgRx store is an implementation of the Redux pattern.  Learn more about that here.  Actions and reducers are a big part of the redux pattern.  Effects are NgRx constructs to help with asynchronous operations.



Actions are objects that extend the NgRx Action class with a ‘type’ property.  They have an optional ‘payload’ property (naming is up to you but the standard is to name it ‘payload’) for sending in data to the effect/reducer and are dispatched by the store to either run an effect or change state in a reducer.  So you can see that actions aren’t all that complicated but NgRx schematics does generate action files for you and can help you standardize them in your project.

To generate an action file, run this command:

ng generate action store/actions/auth

This generates the following file:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';

export enum AuthActionTypes {
  LoadAuths = '[Auth] Load Auths'

export class Auth implements Action {
  readonly type = AuthActionTypes.LoadAuths;

export type AuthActions = LoadAuths;
  • It generates a sample action
  • Notice the error – LoadsAuths on the last line should be Auth (or the Auth action should be named LoadAuths – better yet)
    • This is an error with NgRx schematics but is no big deal as it gets you a template to follow
  • The action constants are stored as an enum (AuthActionTypes)
  • The action class has a type (you can add optional payload)
  • The AuthActions type helps you to define all of your actions for Auth as a type – in the reducer you’ll see why this is important


Dispatching the Action

Actions live to be dispatched.  Reducers and effects just wait until an action is dispatched so they can do their job.  But how are they dispatched?

To dispatch the action we just created, you would typically do that from your component.  Here is the typical code you need:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';

import * as fromRoot from './store/reducers';
import * as authActions from './store/actions/auth.actions';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  title = 'app';

  constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {}

  ngOnInit() { authActions.LoadAuths());


  • Imports:
    • Store from @ngrx/store
    • import * as fromRoot… – this is where the main State interface lives in the index.ts file
    • import * as authActions… – this is where our LoadAuths actions live
  • Inject the store
    • In the constructor, inject the store as shown in the code
  • When it’s time to dispatch (sometimes in ngOnInit, sometimes from a button click, etc.), run this command:
    • authActions.LoadAuths());



Reducers are pure functions that are the only ones that can change state.  They aren’t really changing state but making a copy of existing state and changing one or more properties on the new state.

To generate a reducer file, run this command:

ng generate reducer store/reducers/auth --reducers index.ts


This generates the following file:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';

export interface State {


export const initialState: State = {


export function reducer(state = initialState, action: Action): State {
  switch (action.type) {

      return state;

The reducer file adds:

  • The State for the reducer – this state is added to the main state (see code below)
  • Initial state which are your starting values
  • A reducer function that will be added to the main reducer (see code below)

The main reducer file (index.ts) was changed to this:

import * as fromAuth from './auth.reducer';

export interface State {
  auth: fromAuth.State;

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {
  auth: fromAuth.reducer


  • It added import shown above
  • It added auth: fromAuth.State; to the State interface
  • It added auth: fromAuth.reducer to the reducers constant


Add Action to Reducer

Now let’s see how actions and reducers fit together.

This is what I’ll do:

  1. Add the ‘userName’ property to the auth reducer’s State
  2. Add a ‘SetAuth’ action which will set the userName property on State (payload is userName)
  3. Update the reducer to handle this new action

Updated auth.actions.ts file:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';

export enum AuthActionTypes {
  LoadAuths = '[Auth] Load Auths',
  SetAuths = '[Auth] Set Auths'

export class LoadAuths implements Action {
  readonly type = AuthActionTypes.LoadAuths;

export class SetAuths implements Action {
  readonly type = AuthActionTypes.SetAuths;

  constructor(public payload: string) {}

export type AuthActions = LoadAuths | SetAuths;

Updated auth.reducer.ts file:

import * as authActions from '../actions/auth.actions';

export interface State {
  userName?: string;

export const initialState: State = {
  userName: null

export function reducer(state = initialState, action: authActions.AuthActions): State {
  switch (action.type) {
    case authActions.AuthActionTypes.SetAuths:
      return handleSetAuths(state, action);

      return state;

function handleSetAuths(state: State, action: authActions.SetAuths): State {
  return {
    userName: action.payload


  • The userName property is added to State and initialState (not necessary for initialState of course)
  • In the ‘reducer’ function, the action is changed to authActions.AuthActions (which is the exported type AuthActions)
  • The case statement is added for SetAuths
    • I like to add a function to handle each action so the switch doesn’t get so huge and ugly
  • The handleSetAuths function returns a new copy of state
    • The …state spread operator basically copies existing state
    • userName: action.payload then overwrites the userName property of State (which is the only one at this time, but more should be added)



Effects allow us to handle asynchronous operations in NgRx.

  • Most times this will be calling an API
  • The resulting data should be stored in state by returning an action for the reducer
  • Effects always return one or more actions (unless you decorate @Effect with {dispatch: false})
  • You can inject services into your effects as well so if you need to access those in NgRx, effects are the place to do it

To generate an effect file, run this command:

ng generate effect store/effects/auth --module app.module --root true


This generates the following file:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Actions, Effect } from '@ngrx/effects';

export class AuthEffects {

  constructor(private actions$: Actions) {}

It also updates your app.module.ts file:

import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { AuthEffects } from './store/effects/auth.effects';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),
    !environment.production ? StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument() : [],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

The main thing the schematics generated here is EffectsModule.forRoot([AuthEffects]).  This registers our new AuthEffects class with NgRx so that it starts to listen for dispatched actions.


Create an Effect

The generated effect file doesn’t give you a skeleton effect to follow like the action file does, so I’ll explain how you would do that here.

Here is the final effect (see notes below for explanation of how to create it):

export class AuthEffects {

  constructor(private actions$: Actions,
              private http: HttpClient) {}

  loadAuths$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$.pipe(
    switchMap(() => {
      return this.http.get<string>('login')
          map((userName) => {
            return new authActions.SetAuths(userName);


  • Decorate the effect with @Effect()
  • Name the effect using camel case of the action name and end with $ to denote it is an Observable (loadAuths$)
    • The type of this variable should always be Observable<Action>
  • The ‘ofType’ function is what is triggering this effect – whenever LoadAuths is dispatched as an action, this effect will run
    • Note it is using the string LoadAuths here and not the action class
  • Use http to do whatever you need to do, in this case log the user in and return the user name
    • Return from the map a SetAuths action with the userName
      • This will automatically dispatch the SetAuths action to the reducer to update the userName on state
      • If you want to return multiple actions, return an array of actions



So over the last two posts, this is how the project looks with NgRx:

I like to have the actions, effects and reducers in their own folder under a ‘store’ folder so that they are easy to find.  I have seen it done other ways – without a ‘store’ folder for example – but this is my preference.  In a couple of posts, I’m going to talk about feature modules so I’ll start having one ‘store’ folder for each feature.  So the pattern will reproduce itself many times in the project.



In this post, you learned how to generate actions, reducers and effects using NgRx schematics.  You also learned what actions, reducers and effects are for and how they work together to help you to manage state using NgRx in your Angular 6 application.  In the next post, I plan to show you how to access the state from your application.


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