How Much Will It Cost?

Your On-Demand Custom AppDev & Modernization Partner

  • Planning and Requirements Analysis
  • Architecture and Design
  • Implementation and Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Testing
  • Version Control
  • Deployment
  • Stop searching for the answer. We’ve been in business as a full-time consulting firm since 1991, received a 99.70% “We would recommend Intertech to others” rating from more than 4,000 customers, and will provide you a price that is based on field-experience, senior full-time full-stack consulting experts, and a team of account specialists that understand your industry needs.

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    Founder and CEO

    Tom Salonek

    Tom Salonek loves a challenge. That’s precisely why he left a stable job in corporate America to start his own IT consulting firm in 1991. He even suggested that his wife buy some takeout and a nice gift for herself on their wedding anniversary because he had to meet a client deadline that night. Tom confesses with a laugh that was not his most shining moment, but he’s a fast learner and soon realized that work-life balance should be more than a slogan to entice employees.


    “My goal has always been to create a place where people matter, and our partners’ businesses improve through technology. At Intertech, we’re exceptional because of exceptional people. We get great people by getting great work and by being different in a way that matters to our customers. I’m grateful for the hard work of our people and our many loyal customers.”



    “Consider Impacting Your Delivery With Proven Custom Software Consulting and Development Services!

    Request a Quote And Discover The Difference We’ve Brought To Projects Since 1991.