Intertech WebAssembly – Take Your Applications To Another Level!
Run Your Desktop Applications on the Web At Near Native Speeds
Software Design – Architecture – Development – QA – Delivery – Deployment
WebAssembly – What It Is and Why Consider Using It
What Is WebAssembly
WebAssembly (or WASM) – From The source – “WebAssembly (abbreviated WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. WASM is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.” WebAssembly is efficient, fast, open source, debuggable, safe, and part of the open web platform, but what is the big takeaway — WebAssembly “is a compilation target for programming languages.” I highlight this because you may be under the impression that you write WASM code, but in reality, you compile your code into WASM code. As it states, “WASM is a binary instruction file which can run in a stack-based virtual machine .” In other words, a binary file runs in the abstraction of a computer that acts like real hardware. And the goal of WASM is for that abstraction to exist in the browser seamlessly.
How WebAssembly Works
To begin with, a developer writes code in a WASM-supported language (C++, Rust, C#, etc..) and then compiles that code into a WASM binary format that can run in the browser. For example, you can compile a C++ library into WASM format and then run functions from the library in a JavaScript web environment. Each supported language compiles to WASM through a unique library or toolchain. For C++, a compiler toolchain called “Emscripten” is used. For Rust, there is a tool called “wasm-pack.” For C#, you build the application with Blazor, and Visual Studio (newer versions) handles the rest.
Why Would You Use WebAssembly
A few regular use cases exist for going to WebAssembly as a solution.
- Bottlenecks in your application: Areas where a 50% increase in execution time or more consistent execution time would drastically improve the end users’ experience. For example, your application has some backend business logic. In this case, you can eliminate the server usage, and the time it takes to communicate with it by executing that logic directly on the client.
- Filling a technology gap: Google created an application called “Sqoosh,” used for image compression and processing. The application takes advantage of APIs and processing that traditional JavaScript couldn’t achieve, so they turned to WASM.
- Using non-web-friendly code: “Sqoosh” is also an excellent example of using non-web-friendly code. It uses multiple libraries written in various languages compiled into WASM to deliver a wide range of image-processing functionality. The idea is code exists already that does something you want to do on the web. WASM can be the solution that brings that code to the web.
Important Features of WebAssembly
- Efficient and Fast: The WebAssembly takes advantage of common hardware capabilities on a range of platforms and allows applciations to run at native speed.
- Safe: A WebAssembly encoded application is placed in a memory-safe sandboxed execution environment and enforces the same-origin and permissions security policies of the browser
- Becomes Part Of Open Web: Maintains the versionless, feature-tested, backwards-compatible nature of the web
Whos Behind WebAssembly
Part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the “Web Assembly Working Group,” is responsible for WebAssembly. They have contributors from many major players in modern web browsers, including Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, and many more. In 2019 W3C WebAssembly became the fourth language for the web, a massive stamp of approval by the people building browsers for WebAssembly. WebAssembly is turning out to be a groundbreaking addition to the web development world and is worth understanding.
Whos Uses WebAssembly
At you can see a list of projects made using WebAssembly.
Why Is System Integration With The Web Important?
How Does WebAssembly Work With javaScript?
Why Does WebAssembly Need JavaScript?
WebAssembly — Overview
WebAssembly — Compiling a WebAssembly module from a range of languages, to include C#, Kotlin, Swift, and more…
WebAssembly — Browser Roadmap
WebAssembly — FAQ
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You’ve been in the business long enough to know that you should always consider your options when selecting a technology for an upgrade or pivoting to a new one. Our senior staff specializes in staying up-to-date and injecting the field-proven experience every project needs to succeed./p>
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Whether dealing with a legacy system or considering a transformation to an entirely new solution within or outside .NET, helping you selecting the correct path and supporting your development teams is at our core. Our field-tested senior staff can help you (1) evaluate your options (2) identify the most up-to-date and budget-centric way forward, so you get the business results you demand. Let Intertech help you begin strong and stay on schedule.
Azure – Azure – SQL Server – SQL Server, SSAS, SSIS & SSRS – .NET – .NET Framework, .NET Core, Entity Framework, .NET 5, 6, 7+, ASP.NET & Web Forms, BizTalk, C#, MVC, SharePoint Framework, LINQ, VB.NET, Visual Studio, VB.NET, Web API Framework, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Xamarin, & More.
Java | Java Frameworks
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The options are comprehensive and robust, from Spring, Struts, and Hibernate to Blade, Grails, and Spark frameworks. Add the vast selection of Java Power Tools, and you have a solution that is powerful and worth an outside perspective when choosing your solution and developing for the future. Intertech’s field-tested consultants can come in and assist you get it right the first time.
Front End (Client-Side)
Design – Architecture – Delivery & Development – QA Testing – Deployment
Modernization & New
Frameworks – APIs – Microservices
Whether you are looking for help with the core client-side technologies, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, or the popular React, Angular, Vue, TypeScript, or even the countless others that you don’t often hear about but may suit your needs better, our tenured senior consultants can help with the technologies you have already selected or provide feedback on what may be the best combination based on your needs. Intertech provides the on-demand scalability of field-tested talent when you need it.
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React.js, React Native, Angular, AngularJS, Vue/VueJS, Next.js, Flutter, Ionic, Swift, jQuery, and so many more.
Back End (Server-Side)
Design – Architecture – Delivery & Development – QA Testing – Deployment
Modernization & New
Frameworks – APIs – Microservices
Invisible to the users, what is behind the scenes makes it all work efficiently. Selecting the right tech stack with today’s API-Driven/Micro-system model requires understanding more than just one or two languages and technologies. We help you consider all your options or step in and spool up quickly on the ones your team has already begun implementing. Consider a tenured team led by full-time senior consultants or an augmented solution that brings in a talent network behind each proven leader you enlist. Intertech focuses on its people and the value they bring, so you get it right the first time.
Technologies & Frameworks – Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Go, Ruby, C#, C++, Kotlin, Rust, Scala, SQL, Spring Boot, Jango, Python, Kotlin, ASP.NET | ASP.NET Core, Express.js, Spring Boot, Django, Ruby on Rails (RoR), and NestJS.
Solving problems that impact business, from legacy software modernization to process automation.
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Every company can use an experienced perspective and a helping hand from time to time. Intertech’s senior team has it extended for the times when you need help pivoting to new technology, strengthening your team, and ensuring your goals are met on time and on budget. When over 60% of projects fail, getting it right the first time is always cheaper and can build a reputation faster than almost anything.
Get it right the first time in these critical business areas!
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Modernization & New
At our core, Intertech’s Custom Agile-based software development consulting services combine everything you need from complete senior-led teams & co-development expertise that strengthens your internal team from the beginning to deployment.
The Primary Technology Areas We Deliver To Our Customers
Cloud – Azure & AWS – SQL Server – SQL Server, SSAS, SSIS & SSRS – .NET – .NET Framework, .NET Core, Entity Framework, .NET 5, 6, 7+, ASP.NET & Web Forms, BizTalk, C#, MVC, SharePoint Framework, LINQ, VB.NET, Visual Studio, VB.NET, Web API Framework, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Xamarin, & More – Java – Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Grails, GWT, Blade & other Lightweight Frameworks – Java Power Tools – Unit, NetBeans, Maven, Jenkins, Spring Boot & Security, Spark and many of the 100+ others as needed – Front End (Client-Side) – HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React.js, React Native, Angular, AngularJS, Vue/VueJS, Next.js, Flutter, Ionic, and others – Back End (Server-Side) – Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Go, Ruby, C#, C++, Kotlin, Rust, Scala, SQL, Spring Boot, ASP.NET, Jango, Python, ASP.NET Core, Express.js, Spring Boot, Django, Ruby on Rails (RoR), and NestJS.
Legacy System Assessments & Modernization
Design – Architecture – Delivery & Development – QA Testing – Deployment
Architecture Assessments
Monolithic System Alternatives
Eliminate Hidden Costs and Manual Error
You know when it’s time to upgrade, but with the speed of technology change, you may need an experienced outside perspective, assessment, or a hand in development if those decisions have already been made. No matter what the case, Intertech can help you modernize your applications and architecture, ensuring that you consider all automation and data collection options that are becoming the standard.
Business Process Optimization & Automation (BPA)
Design – Architecture – Delivery & Development – QA Testing – Deployment
Available During The Modernization & New Creation Process
Eliminate Manual Processes & Errors
Eliminate Employee Stress and Improve Retention
Repetitive manual errors should be a thing of the past. If it is time to implement intelligent technology-enabled automation that streamlines and automates complex workflows, consider bringing on one or more of our senior consultants to assist. You will realize efficiencies that save you resources, retain your talent by lowering stress, and put the onus on us to ask the hard questions that need to be asked. In addition, this is the time to eliminate spreadsheets, so your data is instantly available for generating reports, forecasts, and predictions.
Architecture – Monolith to Modularization
Design – Architecture – Delivery & Development – QA Testing – Deployment
Multiple Technologies – Based On Your System & Preference
Frameworks – APIs – Microservices
There are many levels of modularity, but in the end, the deconstruction of your monolithic system structures your applications as a collection of loosely coupled services that link together and allow independent updating, scalability, and advancements, along with the ability to select alternative codes and languages that suit the purpose rather than the framework. Just imagine all the doors opening with a new, more flexible model.
Web Frameworks – 2-Tier or 3-Tier Architecture
Design – Architecture – Delivery & Development – QA Testing – Deployment
Full-Stack | Multiple Tier Development
Modular | API-Driven Development | Microservices
The fastest way to build an application is by using a web framework that is proven and supported. Whether you have already selected your technologies or would like an outside opinion that can evaluate your needs and offer suggestions, our experts can help. Field-tested and proven at heading off challenges that may add costs and delay your launch, Intertech’s full-time staff are here to assist.
We are a certified Microsoft Gold Partner and member of the AWS Partner Network.
We Help You Integrate Onto The Cloud
Eliminating infrastructure and outsourcing your service and support has become the way forward for many companies. Allowing Intertech to assist with the tools and technologies that work best with this process is the next step in getting it right. Whether you are considering going all in or using a hybrid model, ensuring your data and applications function as one is the difference between operational efficiency and wondering what went wrong..
We are Microsoft and AWS partners and can help you integrate your system correctly.
Azure & AWS
Better For Remote Work – Access Files & Applications From Anywhere
Easier to Scale With Business Growth
Part Of A Proven System That Is Maintained & Updated For You
It is essential to understand the differences between the wide range of choices you have and the leaders of the pack; Azure, AWS, and GCP. For example, one of the key differences between Azure and AWS is how they deal with temporary storage. Azure is based on page and block storage “Blobs” for virtual memory and object storage. At the same time, AWS assigns temporary storage during the instance and then deletes the data when the instance is terminated. So much to consider. Let Intertech experts help you evaluate which is best for your long-term needs or help you integrate into the one already selected.
On your next project, consider injecting proven full-time expertise backed by a network of colleagues with senior skills and an extensive knowledge base instead of a VMS-selected heads-down contractor that fits their price structure rather than what defines your reputation. Intertech focuses on its people and the value they bring to all our clients so you get it right the first time.