Lately I’ve been getting questions from my team about using Service Bus Explorer to monitor and manage Azure Service Bus queuing entities. Service Bus Explorer is an awesome tool for messing with Service Bus message queues, topics and subscriptions, and it’s pretty intuitive to use too. The question I’ve been getting lately is: Why doesn’t Service Bus Explorer remember my Service Bus namespace connection strings?   My answer:  You have to configure your namespaces when you build the source. When you download the tool you get .NET source code that you have to build in Visual Studio before you can use it.

Seems that one thing that folks don’t seem to see right away is that you can manage a list of custom Service Bus namespace connection strings right in the tool. Service Bus Explorer has a nice feature that allows you to pick from a master list of commonly used Service Bus namespace connection strings when you want to issue a connect request. Simply add your namespace connection strings to the <ServiceBusNamespaces> section of the App.Config file of Service Bus Explore prior to building the code and those namespaces will appear in the Service Bus Namespaces combo box next time you run it and ask to connect.

Here’s what a <ServiceBusNamespaces> section might look like look like with fake SharedAccessKey tokens:

  <add key="my-dev-ns" value="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;
    SharedAccessKey=**tokens? get your tokens**" /> 
  <add key="my-tst-ns" value="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;
    SharedAccessKey =**tokens? we don’t need no stinking tokens**" />
  <add key="my-uat-ns" value="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;
    SharedAccessKey=**what’s a token?**" />

I typically remove the stock namespace connection strings that came built into the tool to avoid the clutter. Here’s what it looks like in the Service Bus Explorer connection dialog after you’ve build the tool with the connection strings above configured:


I think you’ll get a lot out of Service Bus Explorer if you’re leveraging Azure queuing entities like message queues, topics and subscriptions. It’s a great tool for managing, monitoring and debugging those entities.

Note the following:

  • The Service Bus Explorer download comes with both version 2.1 and version 2.3. You’ll want to use version 2.3. Version 2.1 is for connecting to on-premise service bus entities.
  • You’ll need to use Service Bus Namespaces that have Manage authority in order to do anything meaningful in the tool.