In Objective-C, methods often accept pointers, which are typically used to send messages to a dereferenced object (the object the pointer is pointing to). Occasionally, there is the need to modify the actual pointer reference, as opposed to the dereferenced object. The most common example of this is with iOS’s error handling pattern.
Many methods in Core Data’s NSManagedObjectContext uses this pattern, so lets use that as an example. First the method signature indicates that it requires a reference to an NSError pointer (rather than a pointer’s value). This is accomplished by placing two asterisks after the parameter type, instead of a single asterisk. For example the save method of NSManagedObjectContext accepts a reference to a pointer for an NSError (note the two asterisks after the type):
- (BOOL)save:(NSError **)error
The caller creates an NSError pointer whose initial value is ‘nil.’ A reference to this pointer is passed into the method by using the ‘&’ operator. If anything goes wrong, an NSError object would be created and assigned to the original pointer.
NSError *error; // Error is nil [managedObjectContext save:&error]; if( error ){ // Error is not nil - handle the issue } else { // Error is still nil - proceed with business logic }
Swift to Objective-C
Swift includes quite a bit of mapping to Objective-C objects for us, and NSError** is no exception (sorry… pun intended). The mapping used between NSError** and Swift is called AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSError?> (though a more ‘readable’ typealias is used: NSErrorPointer). So whenever you see a method signature that requires an NSErrorPointer parameter, use the ‘&’ operator just as you did with Objective-C. For example the Swift version of the “save” method signature looks like this:
func save(_ error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
A call to this method would look like:
var error: NSError? = nil managedObjectContext?.save(&error) if let theError = error { // Error is not nil - handle the issue } else { // Error is still nil - proceed with business logic. }
In-Out Parameters
Unless you are going to be mapping Swift to Objective-C code, you can use a simpler syntax for methods that require a reference to a variable: in-out parameters. An in-out parameter is any parameter that has the keyword inout in front of it. For example, to change the the original value of a String that is passed into a method, you could do the following:
func changeOriginalString(inout theStr: String) { theStr += "!!!" } var originalString = "Hello" changeOriginalString(&originalString) println(originalString) // Prints: Hello!!!
In summary: whenever you see an NSErrorPointer, treat it just as you would an NSError** (use the ‘&’ operator on the argument). If you want to make your own Swift methods, which accept references to variables, define one or more “in-out” parameters. Just like an NSErrorPointer, have the caller use the ‘&’ operator on each in-out argument.