It is important to properly organize your AngularJS code early so that you don’t have to reorganize it later. If you search the web, you’ll find that there are many ideas on how to organize an AngularJS project. The Angular Seed Project is a good place to start looking at this.
Organize the code so that common code is easy to find and app features are easy to find. For example, if I want to locate the login code, it would be nice if all of the code related to that were in one folder. That beats one of the alternatives of having all javascript in one folder, css in another and HTML in yet another. Of course there are other alternatives but the following worked well for me.
This is my recommendation:
- Put all your AngularJS code under the ‘app’ folder
- Put anything you share under the app/common folder (further organize into sub-folders if necessary – see ‘directives’ folder)
- I chose ‘common’ instead of ‘components’ because ‘common’ I think is easier to understand (components is the recommendation of the seed project, see link below)
- I put all directives under one folder so they are easy to find by other developers – of course the test spec should live in this folder as well
- Put app ‘features’ under the ‘features’ folder. An example of a feature is an Auto search. As part of that, you may have an Auto details page, controllers for both, services for one or both, less/css for the pages, Jasmine spec files for both, etc.
- See recommendation 4 for explanation of the *.routes.js files
- Put app.js (the module definition for the app) and the index.html page under the ‘app’ folder
- Put site-wide less/css in the Content folder. This may include your own and third party less/css.
- I could be persuaded to move main.less (your site-wide styles) above to the app folder as the seed project does.
- Put third party javascript in the Scripts folder
For Further Study
Angular Seed Project on GitHub
Code Organization in Large AngularJS and JavaScript Applications
AngularJS Best Practices: Directory Structure
This one is for Visual Studio users only.
If you’d like a way for your developers to use a consistent pattern for directives, factories, services, controllers and Jasmine spec files, then please install the SideWaffle Visual Studio extension. It is largely based on John Papa’s AngularJS style guide.
Install from here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.SideWaffleTemplatePack
After installation, restart Visual Studio and you will have new “Add > Add New Item…” options available when you right-click on a folder/website in Solution Explorer. It should look like this:
- I always create a controller with $scope
- Make sure the Name is good as it will use it in the creation of the code (e.g. loginController)
The routing mechanism that comes out of the box with AngularJS (ngRoute) is less than ideal. Many say that beyond a simple AngularJS website, ngRoute becomes unusable. Thankfully, some developers built AngularUI Router.
This is what you get with AngularUI Router:
- Based on state instead of URL
- Nested hierarchy instead of flat (cars, cars.view, cars.view.edit, etc.)
- Names for routes instead of URLs (makes it easy to change URLs)
- Multiple views instead of single (the state can contain multiple views)
- State populates ‘parts’ instead of directives (html page ‘parts’ loaded via state)
- …and much more
Use AngularUI Router over ngRoute.
Get the code here: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router
For Further Study
WIKI – More in depth documentation
Stack Overflow on the differences
Now that you are using AngularUI Router, it is helpful to create a route in a separate JavaScript file so that it can be bundled with its other feature assets. Typically, config work is done in the app.js file along with the creation of the ‘app’ module. But where possible, it is best to separate this.
Create one route file for each feature as a unique module so that the routes can be defined in the config method of the module.
So how is it done? We’ll take a look at an example: the dashboard feature (see the above recommendation 1).
This is the code that is in the dashboard.routes.js file:
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('dashboard.routes', []) .config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) { $stateProvider.state('root.dashboard', { url: '/dashboard' , views: { 'content@': { controller: 'dashboardController' , templateUrl: 'features/dashboard/dashboard.html' } } }); }]); })();
- Create a new module (‘dashboard.routes’) so that we can call .config on it
- Add all of the routes for the feature
Since we created a new module, it will have to be added to the ‘app’ module as a dependency. However, since it is not ideal to add route after route to the app module, I recommend creating a feature.routes.js file that contains the route modules for all of the features. Something like this:
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('feature.routes', [ 'dashboard.routes', 'error.routes', 'login.routes' ]); })();
Now, all that needs to be added to the app module dependency list is ‘feature.routes’. Simply add new routes to the feature.routes modules dependency list. Store the feature.routes.js file under the features directory.
For Further Study
FAQ Answer for Separating Routes
If you come from a jQuery background (and what web developer doesn’t?), you will be tempted to manipulate the DOM using jQuery in a controller or service. This is never a good idea in AngularJS.
Do all DOM manipulation in AngularJS directives. That is their purpose. There are plenty of sources for help on creating directives so see the “For Further Study” section below for help with that.
For Further Study
Dan Wahlin Series on Creating Directives
Understanding Compile and Link
It is tempting to do too much work in the AngularJS controller. After all, the controller is where the view first has access to JavaScript via $scope functions. However, doing this will cause you to miss out on code sharing across the site and is not recommended by AngularJS documentation.
According to the AngularJS docs, controllers should do the following:
- Set up the initial state of the
object - Add behavior to the
Put all $http calls and share-able code in an AngularJS service so that it can be used across the site. Let AngularJS inject the service in the controller to get access to the shared code.
Even if you put a service in your feature directory, it can be used across the site. You may move a service to the ‘common’ or ‘component’ directory if it’s used more than a few times.
For Further Study
AngularJS Controller Documentation
AngularJS Service Documentation
It can be very helpful in your code to know when the first $http call is made and when all $http calls (ajax calls) have completed. For example, you want to turn on a progress bar when the first $http call starts and turn it off when all $http calls complete.
This can be done quite easily by adding an interceptor to the httpProvider.
angular.module('app').factory('httpInterceptor', function ($q, $rootScope, $log) { var loadingCount = 0; return { request: function (config) { if(++loadingCount === 1) $rootScope.$broadcast('loading:start'); return config || $q.when(config); }, response: function (response) { if(--loadingCount === 0) $rootScope.$broadcast('loading:finish'); return response || $q.when(response); }, responseError: function (response) { if(--loadingCount === 0) $rootScope.$broadcast('loading:finish'); return $q.reject(response); } }; }).config(function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('httpInterceptor'); });
To listen for the broadcast, add the following to $rootScope:
$rootScope.$on('loading:start', function(){ // start progress bar }); $rootScope.$on('loading:finish', function(){ // finish progress bar });
Thanks to karaxuna on this Stack Overflow post (I mercilessly stole your code!)
The last three recommendations will focus on simplifying life for the AngularJS developer and will require a tool like gulp or grunt. Since I’ve used gulp, that’s what I will use in these examples.
When I was developing my first AngularJS application, it quickly became apparent to me that I was going to continually forget to add references to my new JavaScript files to the index.html page. Also, since I was unit testing with a Jasmine Spec Runner page, I had the joy of forgetting to add references to the file(s) on that page as well. There has to be a better way!
Combine all of your JavaScript files (sans *.spec.js files) into one so that it is referenced on the index.html and SpecRunner.html pages. Jeff Dickey wrote an excellent article on how to do this so I will defer the implementation to him. He also explains the alternatives, which are not pretty.
Also, since *.spec.js files are in multiple features in the application, it also becomes a pain to keep adding references to them to the SpecRunner.html page. Therefore, combine all of your Jasmine spec files into one js file so that only it is referenced on the SpecRunner.html page. The name of the combined output file should end with “-specs.js”.
In my experience:
- The path (for the gulp task) to get app js files without *.spec.js files is this:
‘./app/**/!(*.spec)*.js’ - The path (for the gulp task) to get *.spec.js files is this:
‘./app/**/*.spec.js’ - I didn’t uglify the code until I released it for ease in debugging
- The gulp watcher that Jeff creates doesn’t recognize when you add or delete a file so you should restart it so it picks up the new/deleted file and recreates the single file
- I added gulp-plumber to the gulp task so that if an error occurred while combining the files, it would report it but not stop the watcher
- Since the combined js file is generated, don’t check it into source control
AngularJS provides a $templateCache service so that you can store your HTML by key in JavaScript. This has the following benefits to your application:
- HTML pages are cached
- HTML pages are accessed by its key, not relative URL
- Directives don’t need their HTML inline to make unit testing work
- If you reference an HTML template in a directive, it takes a lot of monkeying around to get it to work in a unit test since it can’t download the HTML out of the box
- Using the template cache bypasses this problem since the HTML is in JavaScript
Combine all of your HTML pages into a single JavaScript file using gulp.
var gulp = require('gulp'), minifyHtml = require('gulp-minify-html'), templateCache = require("gulp-angular-templatecache"); gulp.task('templatedev', function () { return gulp.src(['./app/**/*.html', '!./app/index.html']) .pipe(minifyHtml({ empty: true, quotes: true })) .pipe(templateCache({ module: 'templateModule', standalone: true })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./temp')); });
It should output something that looks like this:
angular.module("templateModule", []).run(["$templateCache", function ($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("features/dashboard/dashboard.html", "<h1>Hello World</h1>"); $templateCache.put("features/error/errorHelper.html","<div><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"ClickException()\">Test Exception</button></div>"); $templateCache.put("features/users/show.html","<div></div>");}]);
In my experience:
- Do this for development as well as release and set it up in a watch just like with the JavaScript above
- Don’t check this file into source control since it is generated
- Include the templateModule as a dependency for your ‘app’ module
- angular.module(‘app’, [‘templateModule’]);
- Include a reference to the file that templateModule lives in to index.html
- <script src=”../temp/templates.js”></script>
For Further Study
According to lesscss.org, this is how Less is defined:
Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable.
In my experience, I have found that it is nice to use Less for defining responsive Bootstrap tables for organizing a pages content.
Use Less to define your sites style and compile it into a CSS file. Remember, you may have multiple Less files since they are created for each feature.
It’s nice to have the Bootstrap 3 Less files so that you can reference them in your own Less files. If you are using Bootstrap 3 and Visual Studio, you can use NuGet to get the bootstrap Less files by issuing this command in the package manager console:
Install-Package Twitter.Bootstrap.Less
So what did I mean earlier by “defining responsive Bootstrap tables”? Consider this example page:
<form> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2 col-md-3">Column 1</div> <div class="col-sm-2 col-md-3">Column 2</div> <div class="col-sm-2 col-md-3">Column 3</div> <div class="col-sm-2 col-md-3">Column 4</div> </div> </form>
- This is saying that we want 2 columns for a small screen size and 3 for a medium screen size
- Formatting of a page should be confined to the stylesheet when possible
- If I want to change anything here, I have to do it potentially on 4 divs
It is much better to define this in a Less file using a media query:
@import "../../Content/bootstrap/mixins/grid.less"; @import "../../Content/bootstrap/variables.less"; .login-col { @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { .make-sm-column(2); } @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { .make-md-column(3); } }
- @import the Bootstrap Less files for @media and @screen-sm/md-min and for the .make-sm/md-column mixins
- This does exactly what the HTML classes do
- Changes to the format of the page can now be made here instead of on the HTML page
Now the HTML is cleaned up nicely:
<form> <div class="row"> <div class="login-col">Column 1</div> <div class="login-col">Column 2</div> <div class="login-col">Column 3</div> <div class="login-col">Column 4</div> </div> </form>
I still haven’t explained how to compile the Less into CSS. As in the previous 3 recommendations, we will use gulp to accomplish this.
This is the gulp task I use:
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber'), es = require('event-stream'), less = require('gulp-less'), cssjoin = require('gulp-cssjoin'), rebaseUrls = require('gulp-css-rebase-urls'), concat = require('gulp-concat'); gulp.task('less', function () { return es.concat( gulp.src(['./Content/css/*.less']) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(less()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./Content/css')), gulp.src('./app/features/**/*.less') .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(cssjoin()) .pipe(less()) .pipe(rebaseUrls()) .pipe(concat('features.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./app')) ); });
- event-stream (es) – do two or more actions in one task by using the concat function
- gulp-plumber (plumber) – handles errors…otherwise the watcher fails and you have to start again
- gulp-less (less) – compiles the Less into CSS
- gulp-cssjoin (cssjoin) – handles @import statements by including the code in your output
- gulp-css-rebase-urls (rebaseUrls) – Rebase relative image URLs
- gulp-concat (concat) – concatenate all css files as a result of compiling them all in features
- Make sure to add this to your gulp watcher so that the less task is called when any of them change
Starting an AngularJS project can be daunting, but with the 10 AngularJS recommendations in this article, hopefully you will have a nice head start. Of course some of the recommendations may not apply to your project so think of it as a buffet and take what you want.